Nag Panchami is celebrated on 5th day of Shukla Paksha in Sharavan Maas. This year, the festival will be celebrated on 4th August, Saturday in Hast nakshatra. On the day of Naag Panchami, fast is kept in order to make God Snake happy. Nine serpent deities are worshiped on the auspicious Nag Panchami day. Elaborate rituals in the form of 'puja' are held in temples and temporary altars in the honor of snake gods - Ananta, Vasuki, Padmanabha, Sesha, Kambala, Shankhapala, Dhruthrashtra, Takshaka and Kaliya - the nine prominent snake gods. In Eastern India Nag Panchami is dedicated to the serpent goddess, Manasa. According to one myth, Lord Krishna conquered evil King Naga Kalia and put an end to the evil deeds of an evil snake on Nag Panchami.
People who are under the bad effect of Rahu/ Kethu mahadasa/ antardasa, or kal sarpa yog can perform dosha shanti puja on this day of Nag Panchami because the time of "Nag Panchami" is the most valuable to remove kaalsarp dosh by yagya & pooja.