Sunday, December 25, 2011

2012 NUMEROLOGY ~Will It Be A Beautiful New Beginning? Or The End Of Life On Earth?

21 DECEMBER 2012

It is the grand date set seemingly by the Mayans,for the destruction of humanity. The end of the world has been predicted many times in the history of mankind. A new date for the end of the world is set on the winter solstice 2012, Friday, December 21, 2012. On December 21 the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar will complete a “great cycle”. This day is predicted to be a day where a major and world changing event will happen. It is said that on Friday, December 21, 2012, about 11:11 minutes, the Earth's magnetic field will reverse and the Earth will change its axis. A new planet, Nibiru, hidden for the moment in the orbit of the Earth, will hit our planet Earth. This alignment of the planets is expected to have catastrophic consequences for the Earth. The cataclysm will also take the form of drift of Earth's crust caused by the warming of Earth's core, natural disasters, earthquakes, ice melting submerging continents, emission of deadly gases, changes in the Earth's magnetic field and shift in North-South poles.

The year 2012 is rapidly approaching and many believe that December 21, 2012 is a day of special significance. The Maya believed that the year indicated an end of a calendar cycle, and a major change would occur. For others, like Nostrodamus and practitioners of I Ching, the year implies either great destruction or great spiritual revolutions.

Many believe that December 21, 2012 marks the beginning of a 10,000 year period of peace and prosperity. 2012 is claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation mean there will be a major change in world order. Numbers hold the clues as to what will happen in the transition and where the new age will take us. The actual date for this massive worldwide change set by the Mayans is December 21, 2012. When you look at the numbers of this date - 21.12.2012 and then reduce the date down to single digits you get 11. The number 11, when reduced further, results to the number 2. The number 2 in 12/21/2012 represents the world’s challenges, while number 11 represents the “Life Path”. This combination, according to them, is what makes this date particularly promising. The year 2012 is a "5" year. 2+0+1+2=5. Five is a number associated with change. New elements, a changing order and great movement is expected in this year. The number 11 is considered the highly charged brother of 2. Peace and inspiration are the bailiwick of this number, suggesting that the year may be a conduit for great change and a movement toward reform and a new spiritual era. The number 11 is a very significant number in numerology. In fact, it is considered a Master Number. There is an especially high level of spirituality surrounding this number and it is associated with a new age of awareness. It is also connected with high level spiritual practices such as clairvoyance, intuition, ESP, spiritual healing, etc. One of the numerological meanings of number 11 is that it marks the beginning of new cycles. It also indicates the increased spiritual leanings and compassion, and considered as one of the master numbers. Rise of an important personality (God incarnation) to maintain peace and harmony among people and to same the earth from destruction.

According to the 2012 Mayan calendars, December 21, 2012 indicates the next stage of spiritual development for the world and a much needed new set of values. It’s time to get back in touch with the values of love, brotherhood and unity of the next Great Age. It’s appears to be time to move away from unbridled technology, competition and greed the values of the present Great Cycle. People with life path no. 11 and 2 will feel more strong effect of this change.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Shani Amawasya

Shani Amawasya is the day that falls on Saturday. Amawasya usually considered an inauspicious day and if Amawasya falls on Saturday it is considered even more inauspicious. In the year 2011 Shani Amawasya will fall on Saturday 24th December 2011. It begins at 1:18 AM on December 24, 2011 and ends at 11:34 PM on December 24.

Amavasya, is known as the no moon day or new moon day in traditional Hindu calendar. It is the darkest day in the Hindu month and also the last day in a month in the traditional Hindu calendars. Amavasi holds great importance in Hinduism. Many Hindus choose this day to make offering (Shradh and Tarpan) to the dead ancestors. Many astrologers advise against performing any important ceremony on the day as moon and important planets in Hindu astrology are not visible.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy Valentine Day 2012

Happy Valentine Day 2012

Makar Sankranti 2012

Makar Sankranti 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Year 2012 promises to be a year of change for all.
On the new year eve lagna will be virgo with mercury in 3rd house. Saturn in Libra will make democracy stronger and it wont be good for the ruling govt. and corrupt government employees. India economy become more stronger corrupt leader corruption will be move out of Indian politics there will be law and order more systematic. Autocracy will come to an end.

Libra denotes the balance of powers, wealth and energies. Saturn is the planet known for its just decisions and crusading attitude. In present day scenario, Saturn represents Democracy and Judiciary. Saturn is a great equalizer and makes sure that no injustice is done even to the commonest person.

Technology will touch to new horizons. Exemplary justice or quotable decisions will be made by the court to save law and order and to stop corruption. Senior politician loss is also expected.

Rahul Gandhi will be the new prime minister for a very short term.
2012 is the year of the Dragon in the Chinese zodiac.

Happy New Year 2012

Thursday, November 10, 2011

11.11.11. 11 ~November 2011

11.11.11. 11 ~November 2011

An Unique combination after thousand of years will be there on Friday 11th November 2011
No. 1 has special significance in astrology. Sun represent No. 1 in astrology. No. 11 contains two no. 1 double power while its sum represent planet Moon. No. 11 is also known as master number in numerology and have special significance. People with life path number are called pillers of the society.

Tomorrow at sunrise time Moon will be in Aries with Retrograde Jupiter in the nakshatra of Bharani, tithi will be krishna pratipada. Sun will be in Libra.

11+11+2011=8 which represent planet Saturn transit in Virgo, which is going to change its sign to Libra in the same month. So This month will bring familiar stresses and strains. It is a time of surprising inner personal transformations. It will also mark the beginning of an even sharper and more intense confrontation between people with conflicting religious, political and economic views.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

दीवाली 2011

दीवाली 2011
कार्तिक मास की अमावस्या को दीवाली का पर्व मनाया जाता है. इस वर्ष दीवाली का यह त्यौहार 26 अक्तूबर 2011, बुधवार को मनाया जाएगा. दिवाली का त्यौहार पांच दिन तक मनाया जाता है.

धन तेरस

दीवाली का आरंभ धन त्रयोदशी के शुभ दिन से हो जाता है. दिवाली से दो दिन पहले धन-तेरस का त्यौहार मनाया जाता है. इस दिन नए बर्तन खरीदने की परंपरा है. इस दिन स्वर्ण अथवा रजत आभूषण खरीदने का भी रिवाज है. संध्या समय में घर के मुख्य द्वार पर एक बडा़ दीया जलाया जाता है. इस दिवस को धनवंतरि जयंती के रूप में भी मनाया जाता है. इस वर्ष धन तेरस, सोमवार, कार्तिक कृ्ष्ण पक्ष 24 अक्तूबर, 2011 को मनाया जाएगा.

छोटी दिवाली

बडी़ दिवाली से एक दिन पहले छोटी दिवाली का त्यौहार मनाया जाता है. इस दिन को नरक चतुर्दशी अथवा नरका चौदस भी कहते हैं. इस दिन संध्या समय में पूजा की जाती है और अपनी - अपनी परंपरा के अनुसार दीये जलाए जाते हैं.

बडी़ दिवाली

यह मुख्य दिन होता है.संध्या समय में गणेश जी तथा लक्ष्मी जी का पूजन पूरे विधि-विधान से किया जाता है पूजन के बाद मिठाई खाने का रिवाज है. बच्चे और बडे़ मिलकर आतिशबाजी चलाते हैं. बम-पटाखे फोड़ते हैं.

गोवर्धन पूजा। अन्नकूट

दिवाली से अगले दिन अन्नकूट का पर्व मनाया जाता है. इस दिन मंदिरों में सभी सब्जियों को मिलाकर एक सब्जी बनाते हैं, जिसे अन्नकूट कहा जाता है अन्नकूट के साथ पूरी बनाई जाती है. कहीं-कहीं साथ में कढी़-चावल भी बनाए जाते हैं. रात्रि समय में गोवर्धन पूजा भी की जाती है.

भैया दूज

यह त्यौहार कार्तिक शुक्ल पक्ष की द्वित्तीया को मनाया जाता है. इस दिन बहनें अपने भाइयों को तिलक करती हैं और मिठाई खिलाती हैं. भाई बदले में बहन को उपहार देते हैं

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Yoga related with Rahu in Astrology

ग्रहण योग -- अगर सूर्य या चंद्रमा की युति राहु से हो तो ग्रहण योग बनता है

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Karva Chauth करवा चौथ

Karva Chauth करवा चौथ

Karva Chauth is an annual one-day festival celebrated by all married Hindu women. They observe a fast for the long life of her husband. The festival falls on the 4th day after the full moon, in the Hindu calendar month of Kartik, following the Autumnal Equinox. Chauth means 'fourth' in Hindi and 'Karwa' is an earthen pot with a spout - a symbol of peace and prosperity - that is necessary for the rituals. Hence the name 'Karwa Chauth'. It is popular amongst married women in the northern and western parts of India, especially, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat. In the year 2011 Karwa Chauth is on Sunday 16th of October.

The fast of Karwa Chauth is kept 9 days before DiwaliThe fast of Karwa Chauth is kept 9 days before Diwali. All married women observes fast that ensures the well-being, prosperity and longevity of their husbands. Todays, unmarried women also observe the fast for their fiances or desired husbands. Karwa Chauth is considered one of the most important fasts observed by the married Hindu women.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Makar Sankranti ~ Uttarayan (उत्तरायण)

The movement of the earth from one zodiac sign into another is called Sankranti and as the Sun moves into the Capricorn zodiac known as Makar in Hindi, this occasion is named as Makar Sankranti in the Indian context. It is one of the few Hindu Indian festivals which are celebrated on 14 January every year. According to the Hindu scriptures the movement of Sun is two fold, Uttarayan and Dakshinaya. The word ‘Ayan’ means movement. On Makar Sankranti, Sun travels from Southernmost point (Dakshinayan) to the northernmost point (uttarayan). Uttarayan (उत्तरायण), is the six-month period between Makar Sankranti (January 14) and Karka Sankranti (July 14), when the sun travels towards the north on the celestial sphere. The period from 14th July to 14th January is known as Dakshinayan (दक्षिणायण). The starting of Uttarayan is celebrated as Makara Sankranti throughout India.

Sankranti is the Sanskrit word in Indian Astrology which refers to the transmigration of the Sun from one Rashi (sign of the zodiac) to another. Hence there are twelve such sankrantis in one year. However, the Sankranti festival usually refers to Makara Sankaranti, the transition of the Sun from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Uttarayan, literally meaning northward journey of Sun.

Considering the Winter Solstice marks the beginning of the gradual increase of the duration of the day. Scientifically, the shortest day of the year is around December 21–22 after which the days begin to get longer, hence actual Winter Solstice begins on December 21 or December 22 when the tropical sun enters Makara rashi. Hence actual Uttarayana is December 21. Sankranti as per current scientific evidence should fall on 21st of December. While the traditional Indian Calendar is based on lunar positions, Sankranti is a solar event. So while dates of all Hindu festivals keep changing as per the Gregorian calendar, the date of Makar Sankranti remains constant over a long term, 14 January. Makar Sankranti is celebrated in the Hindu Calendar month of Magha.

Makar Sankranti is regarded as the beginning of an auspicious phase in Indian culture. It is said as the 'holy phase of transition'. It marks the end of an inauspicious phase which according to the Hindu calendar begins around mid-December. It is believed that any auspicious and sacred ritual can be sanctified in any Hindu family, this day onwards. Scientifically, this day marks the beginning of warmer and longer days compared to the nights. In other words, Sankranti marks the termination of winter season and beginning of a new harvest or spring season.

Makara Sankranti identifies a period of enlightenment, peace, prosperity and happiness followed by a period of darkness, ignorance and viciousness with immense sorrow. Entry of sun in Capricorn sign is the beginning of a new life. The six months of northern movement of the sun is followed by six months of southern movement. The Sun moves from South to North during Uttarayan. According to astrology the six months period of the movement of Sun from Capricorn to Gemini zodiac, is called Uttarayan. According to Hindu Panchang the period of ‘Magh’ to ‘Aasad’ month is known as Uttarayan. Out of six seasons, the winter, spring and summer falls during Uttarayan. The duration of days starts increasing and that of night starts shortening during uttarayan. The Vedic scriptures regard the period of utterayan as the period of deities. Bhisham pitamah waited for Uttarayan to proceed for his heavenly abode. The Holy River Ganga also touched the earth on this divine day. This day, Gods wake up after sleeping for 6 months.

According to the astrology, people who are not getting the favorable results of sun and Saturn should observe the fast of Makar Sankranthi. They should give donations of sun and Saturn products. Also, people who don’t have good relationship with father or son should observe this fast and give donations. No life can be imagined on earth without sun. Doing Surya Namaskar and offering water to sun everyday, increases fortune and paternal happiness. This day is also called the Surya Upasana Day. Motive behind using and donating Til and Ladoos made of jaggery, on the day of Makar Sankranthi is the same as above. According to astrology, Til is the food of Saturn and jaggery is the food of sun. Til is the producer of oil, that’s why people on this day have food items made of Til and jaggery to please Saturn and sun. On this day there is a tradition of donating Til, blanket, winters clothes, Amla etc.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Nag Panchami

Nag Panchami

Nag Panchami is celebrated on 5th day of Shukla Paksha in Sharavan Maas. This year, the festival will be celebrated on 4th August, Saturday in Hast nakshatra. On the day of Naag Panchami, fast is kept in order to make God Snake happy. Nine serpent deities are worshiped on the auspicious Nag Panchami day. Elaborate rituals in the form of 'puja' are held in temples and temporary altars in the honor of snake gods - Ananta, Vasuki, Padmanabha, Sesha, Kambala, Shankhapala, Dhruthrashtra, Takshaka and Kaliya - the nine prominent snake gods. In Eastern India Nag Panchami is dedicated to the serpent goddess, Manasa. According to one myth, Lord Krishna conquered evil King Naga Kalia and put an end to the evil deeds of an evil snake on Nag Panchami.
People who are under the bad effect of Rahu/ Kethu mahadasa/ antardasa, or kal sarpa yog can perform dosha shanti puja on this day of Nag Panchami because the time of "Nag Panchami" is the most valuable to remove kaalsarp dosh by yagya & pooja.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi is the birthday of Lord Ganesh, the son of Shiva & Parvati. Ganesh Chaturthi falls on the fourth day of the Hindu month of Bhadrapada, around August or September. It is also known as Vinayaka Chaturthi. In 2011 Ganesh Chaturthi date is 1st september 2011. Ganesha also known as Vighneshwara is the Lord of Obstacles of material and spiritual order and His dharma is to remove obstacles and fear. He rules over the Muladhara Chakra, the lowest or primal energy centre in Human body.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Prabodini Ekadasi – Uttahana Ekadashi

November 6, 2011 – Prabodini Ekadasi – Uttahana Ekadashi

Rama Ekadasi

October 23, 2011 – Rama Ekadasi

Pasankusa Ekadashi

October 7, 2011 - Pasankusa Ekadashi

Indira Ekadasi

September 23, 2011 – Indira Ekadasi (Smarta)

Parivartini Ekadashi – Parsava Ekadasi

September 8, 2011 – Parivartini Ekadashi – Parsava Ekadasi

Aja Ekadasi – Annada Ekadashi

August 25, 2011 – Aja Ekadasi – Annada Ekadashi

Pavitra Ekadasi – Putrada Ekadashi

Pavitra EkadasiPutrada Ekadashi

August 9, 2011 - Pavitra EkadasiPutrada Ekadashi

Kamika Ekadashi

Kamika Ekadashi

Ekadasi is the 11th day of every lunar fortnight in traditional Hindu calendar, an auspicious day dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Fasting on Ekadashi is considered highly auspicious and is believed to help in redemption of sins and in attaining Moksha.

Kamika Ekadasi is observed during the waning phase of moon in the month July or early August. It is believed that observing this Ekadashi is equal to bathing in sacred rivers on auspicious days and also equal to reading all the scriptures dedicated to Lord Vishnu. In 2011, Kamika Ekadasi date is July 26.

Offering Tulsi leaves to Lord Vishnu on this day is considered highly auspicious. Another important offering made is lighting ghee or sesame oil filled lamps at Sri Krishna Temples.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Shoonya Tithi

Shoonya Tithi

Shoonya means null or zero. Each tithi makes shoonya effect on two rashis eccept chaturdashi, amawas, purnima. Chaturdashi make shoonya four rashis while amawas and purnima affects none. Tithi is the date according to the Hindu lunar calendar. The Hindu lunar calendar consists of a dark and a bright fortnight also called Krishna paksha and Shukla Paksha. Tithi is said to be complete when moon has 12 degree from the sun. when moon complete 12 degree each time one tithi is comptete. There are 30 tithis in a lunar month. It is important to note that starting or ending of a Tithi depends upon the degree of Moon from that of Sun therefore a Tithi ends or starts at any time in a day not like the Modern Time when a date changes at midnight.There are 30 tithis in a lunar month. In Indian Astrology, the calculation of the Tithis starts from Pratipada (The first day in each half of the lunar month) of the Shukla-Paksha. Tithis are as follows : Pratipada, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Chaturthee, Panchami, Shashthi, Saptami, Ashtami, Navmi, Dashmi, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Trayodashi, Chaturdashi, and Purnima. Lords of the Shoonya tithi rashis and the planets posited therein not able to produce favourable results in most of the cases but exeptions are there.



Pratipada & Dwadashi

Libra, Capricorn

Dwitiya & Ekadashi

Sagittarius, Pisces


Leo, Capricorn


Taurus, Aquarius

Panchami & Ashtami

Gemini, Virgo


Aries, Leo


Cancer, Sagittarius

Navmi & Dashmi

Leo, Scorpio


Taurus, Leo


Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Purnima & Amavasya


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mrityu Bhaga ~ death- inflicting degree

Mrityu Bhaga ~ death- inflicting degree

Mrityu Bhaga for Signs and Planets

Mrityu Bhaga ~ death inflicting degree

Mrityu Bhaga ~ death- inflicting degree

Mrityu Bhaga for Signs and Planets

Sign / Planet



































































































































