Monday, January 18, 2010

Nadi Dosh

Nadi Dosh

Nadi literally means pulse controls the health and life aspect of a human. Nadi in astrology means one of the eight Ashta that are used to calculate your compatibility with your partner. There are three different Nadis Adhya (start), Madhya (middle) and Antya (end) represent "Prakriti" of an individual Vaat , Pita & Kapah respectively. In this regard, Nakshatras are grouped under Vaata, Pitta or Sleshma (Kapha) Nadi.

1) Adhya Nadi : People born in Ashwani , Ardhra , Punarvasu , Uttaraphalguni , Hasta , Jyeshta , Moola , Satabisha & Poorvabhadrapada have Adi Nadi .

2) Madhya Nadi : People born in Bharani , Mrigasira , Pushya , Poorvaphalguni , Chitra , Anuradha , Poorvashadha , Dhanshita & Uttarabhadrapada have Madhya Nadi .

3) Antya Nadi : People born in Kritika , Rohini , Aslesha , Magha , Swati , Vishakha , Uttarashadha , Sravana & Revati Nakshtras have Antya Nadi .

Nadi is one of the important Kootas in matching making for the purpose of marriage in Vedic Astrology . Nadi Koota indicate whether the couple's ethereal vibrations will compliment each other or not. While matching horoscopes both of the partners should not have same nadis. When they have same nadis they have nadi dosha and this is not considered good for health and progeny point of view. It can cause health problems, ailments, affect life and longevity.

There is no cancellation of nadi dosha. But if the partners have same constellation but born in the different quadrant of that constellation than there is possibility of marriage.


  1. if bride and groom have different stars and different quadrant's to each other what happens,
    so If dosha is there still bride and groom like each other any remedies for nadi dosha before marirage or after marriage, like manglik can marry krishna and then groom. Remedies may work or not but we can give try.

  2. kiran kaur 23/9/1986 11:15 pm delhi india
    pushpinder singh 7/8/1988 2:45 pm delhi india

    ek tuo main maglik hoon aur nadi o hai matchmaking main. kya theek hai life ke liya marriage

  3. Thanks a lot, this is really very usefull point.

  4. Bride & groom are love each other & When matchmatching time Both r found same nadi than what will they do.
    Will there any effect on their marriage life? R there any scientific reason?

    1. Scientifically its wrong.lf their blood group same and nadi is different ,is astrology south Indian astrology especially tamil astrology seem correct scientific cally as nafi i s not given importance.only rajju porutham is considered.

    2. Rajju porutham is given.importance by great tamil astrologers as nadi porutham goes wrong sometimes on scientific reasons.,when couples are same blood groups.

  5. sir,
    if the bride and groom have both nadis as madhya and the points are 0.then what does this indicate?? how will be their health in future?

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  7. Nice article you have shared such a important information about the
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    keep writing.

  8. Great Article, Keep writing such interesting articles on horoscope matchingNadi dosha

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